Harmony Within Community
Welcome to Harmony Within Community!
Join us online for connection, growth, and support within community.
In this era of separateness, competition, and busyness of life, finding and cultivating connection in friendship and support can be challenging.
This monthly event is dedicated to promoting unity, understanding, and positivity among all participants. Come together with like-minded individuals to share experiences, learn from one another, and create lasting bonds.
Topics of spiritual growth, transformation and ascension, expansion, and more will be covered. This is an inclusive space and all who come with an open heart and mind are welcome.
Let's work towards building a harmonious community together!
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1243949980879?aff=oddtdtcreator
Once you are registered, a Zoom link will be sent.
Harmony Within Holistic reserves the right to deny participation.
Any questions, email harmonywithinholistic@gmail.com